Skills to Rule & the Power to Know

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The eBook

Soweto In A Nutshell eBook

About The Author Mr. Isaac Khonjelwayo

He grew up in Soweto and had to learn to survive harsh conditions with his siblings. As a street vendor of fruits and vegetables, he fought the scourge of growing in a tough neighbourhood and ghetto life that was over-populated and filthy. He used the money to educate himself and buy clothes for his kid brother, while support his ailing single parent who was bedridden.

Isaac has accomplished a lot as an entrepreneur and he has a vast business experience, across the board. Among his achievements is being a Freelance columnist for the HR Magazine with respect to Work Ethic in the Workplace, productivity, self-motivation and team participation in the human resource field. At the same time he was a founder member of a Management Consultancy Company that intervenes in business development processes.

Isaac Khonjelwayo's Political Contribution To South Africa's Struggle Against Apartheid

Ream about it - HERE

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A South African man, born in a poverty-stricken African township; where reading and writing was not always an option but a privilege that came through a divine intervention or a burden of personal choice. An effort to try and be educated i.e. (read & write) was not a human right; but an alternative to escape temptation for becoming an accomplice in committing a crime. If you belonged to a political organization that fought against The Apartheid System, you had to know how to express yourself somehow.


Soweto In A Nutshell

Soweto In A Nutshell

Vilakazi Street Photos Soweto During COVID-19 #2019