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Effects Of COVID-19 On Vilakazi Street Soweto Businesses

COVID-19 did not only impact on population explosion's reduction to our planet, but also made countries and governments become more vigilant and efficient in conducting health care management issues with due diligence and quick responses to emergency needs. This is my view from an international perspective.

Yet, on a smaller economic and entrepreneurial business survival scale; both in terms of local and international outlook, COVID-19 has done more damage that anyone would care to imagine. It was unexpected. All types of business enterprises have been adversely affected especially tourism in the context of Vilakazi Street businesses and all other home-based enterprises in Soweto.

The Ghost Town Dejavu Experience
On Saturday the 10th 2021, I took a drive to Vilakazi Street to explore and satisfy my curiosity on the impact of lockdown and consequences of a lockdown imposed by government and the mutation of the virus in our country. More than that; find out how local businesses are coping with the stress related to lost of income. 

It was a little unusual and scary to walk up the empty Vilakazi Street with heavy shoulders of discouragement, due to lack of people in the area. It was as if I was walking in a new western Clint Eastwood modern movie version of  "The good the bad and the ugly". The place was very quiet and disserted and lonely to stick around longer than an hour. So, after an hour of touring the empty street I went back home with a sad feeling of loss and defeat. Besides I was also hungry after, talking to Mr. Shadrack Motau who kept and protected my comfort and fears.

On a Spiritual Perspective - What Lessons Can We Learn From This Eventuality?
Well! few if any will ever imagine that - there might be some spiritual benefits to this worldwide COVID-19 event. Why would I equate this phenomenon to a spiritual consequence then a simple freak laboratory accident by Chinese Doctors in Wuhan medical experiment that went awfully wrong in 2019?

I suppose there are two ways one can look at life and the consequences of our human actions and interactions. The first one that comes to mind is that all "LIFE' has to come to an end. One way or another history and the evolution of man has been part of our planetary souls' journey from periods of the Roman empire to the period of Egyptian pyramids or Hitler's reign of hate and terror in Treblinka. 

Time is constantly shifting with our consciousnesses, to a point where human-beings will have to learn to adapt to this unprecedented change. The after effects of this pandemic might probably bring with it a new dimension of  thinking to appreciate our delicate human life and its purpose to exist. That's the only two reasons I can think of why this is happening or has to happen. 

Secondly the biblical lessons from Sodom & Gomora and few of these religious stories, are a reminder to question ourselves by asking things like "Who are we and Why are we?". It should bring sense to those who survive the pandemic to know and begin to reflect on new values of living to appreciate order from chaos - call it an attempt to try "Find Ourselves" in our life's journey to search for our true purpose of life.

Isaac Khonjelwayo


Soweto In A Nutshell

Soweto In A Nutshell

Vilakazi Street Photos Soweto During COVID-19 #2019