Driving A Community Agenda To Improve and To Develop Itself Is Key In Legacy Building. Building a legacy takes time. It is not the same as building a house or a double-story garage. A legacy is something people build to be remembered by. A positive life's impression when they pass on. Leadership and a positive influence on others are what legacies are built from.
The need to change and influence how society and people perceive life, and an approach to find solace in conquering adversity. It is what we all live to do - to make ourselves effective and others happy in serving their needs. (Even if we are paid to do it - it should be an act of selfless commitment to fulfill our purposes, without any strings attached).
Traditional Profound Approach To Building A Legacy
The most powerful legacies are built by a group of families in business. For example the late Mr. Richard Maponya. Dr. Mutsunyane, founder of the African Bank and NAFCOC business forum. Pam Golding Properties, Kaizer Motaung of Kaizer Chiefs, Arnold Chatz Motors, Irvin Khoza owner of Pirates soccer club and Chairman of PSL, Mr. Raymond Ackerman of Pick & Pay, etc.
True happiness can not be bought from a supermarket |
Many other people around the world have done great things to make the world a better place to live in. Through their businesses, sports achievements like Tiger Woods, playwriting like the late Mr. Gibson Kente, Shakespear, Michael Jackson, Dingaan Thobela from Soweto the boxer. These are leaders with integrity and self-respect to deserve our praise and ululation.
Most of these great pioneers and leaders have started from nothing. Others, built their wealth from scratch using their home garages, as offices and workspaces. A majority did not even qualify to acquire business development funding or startup loans. Others used their craft, talents, and creative skills to do the unthinkable Cassius Clay i.e. Muhammad Ali and Basetsana Kumalo or Castor Semenya, etc.
Yet! Today, they've built life-changing empires and undeniable reputation to lead by example. These corporations, individuals, and entrepreneurs created products and services that are in high demand. To serve the needs of the consumer and went beyond our expectations. Yet! for most, it took a while to reach the top of their Himalayan mountain, conquer odds, and be recognized as icons in their own right and industries.
Rome Was Not Built In A Day đ
- The world of film acting, sports, book writing, movie production, music development, and TV shows is no different from such iconic entrepreneurs' initiatives to influence a positive agenda to change the world.
- These legacy builders, Mr. Will Smith, J.K Rowling, Vin Diesel, Mark Zuckerberg, Nicholas Cage, Denzel Washington, and Tyler Perry have changed our world to sell us hope, self-expression, and unlimited possibilities to dream again.
- Legacy building in one form or other has always, been the pillar of our strength to reflect on our realities in many different ways. To believe that anything is possible. To know tough times don't last- but tough people do.
- To inspire us to fight Apartheid oppressive laws, gender-based violence, poverty, racism, human suffering, hunger, and strife, which Mother Teresa was the guardian of.
- These powerful souls have not only earned our respect to support and follow them on social media. They've earned the right to be where they are today, and deserve more than the credit we give them.
- They were not placed there, on the echelons and pedestal of power by their comrades or friends to deserve our love, praise, and honor.
- Yet! These legacy builders did not cheat seasons of time to harvest their own crops. Like you and I! Your Spirit is your license to Godâs patent conscience - to emulate and follow His command.
- We must expend our abilities, talents, and gifts not to serve humanity alone., But to make a difference in the lives of people and creatures we come across.
- You and I can gain fame or lose fortunes. But without lifting a finger we will get nowhere. It will all be a pipe-dream.
- We will be like a dog chasing a moving truck and when that truck "stopsâ - we donât know what to do next. Stupor or Stupid - you be the judge.
Because they're in a stupor to know the difference between sinking and toying |
True happiness can not be bought from a supermarket like most ANC politicians would like to believe. This is what happens when a government like the ANC leaders borrows its power. Their "collective responsibility" philosophy will undeniably bring them all down collectively, as they wish.
- They stand on a stage that is on the back and shoulders of their unhealthy friends and comrades whose feet are wobbling and slowly sinking in a quicksand. Patients who couldn't resist the temptation to remain in the hospital. (corruption is good like free whisky).
- When the stage they stand on collapses; they fall like rotten apples from a tree that was never pruned, watered, or nourished by God's grace and forgiveness to stand the test of time.
- Why? In the last 28 years; they haven't noticed that - they were going down to sink.
- And sinking they're, but very slow. Perhaps their ego is what's between their ignorance and common sense to pay attention to a disaster waiting to happen.
- They can not survive on a short notice prayer, for the nation to rescue them. Because they're in a stupor to know the difference between sinking and toyi-toyi dancing on stage to gain a sense of equilibrium.
- Therefore; they'll break their necks, bones, arms, and ribs. Skulls and "heads-will-roll" tumbling like dirty rocks down the sloppy hill. Wondering what is happening to them.
- As their hands and grip for power slip away under the stage. This is where they stood, and are buried under the stage in the sand dunes, they've created and worshiped in song and dance.
- They will be declared DOA i.e. dead-on-arrival when ambulances arrive. In the next elections try to resuscitate their own demise.
- To try to gain composure will be too late. But, dead like a cockroach on the kitchen table of The Zondo Commission findings. "As you sow - So shall you reap". (Fix corruption or die by committing suicide)!
Wise Up!
To be famous and rich you must be a lucky hardworking dude to the degree of being considered fortunate. Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, Steve Jobs - biographies tell a promising tale of building legacies of wealth and knowledge through honest hard work. Yet! To be fortunate you'll need to be luckier but possess a vision with the spirit of God to work-wiser in keeping such wealth and power to be content, and to share with your people. Afrikaners have built their own monument in Pretoria - The Voortrekker Monument to be remembered by. What has the ANC built to remember them by?
It doesnât make the world guess if youâre happy or not when anybody ignores corruption to pretend it will go away as easy as most people would like to think, No! The Zondo Commission Report that is!
Just because ANC was privileged to be in power- does not imply they have the right to keep the status quo. To be in power within the next 5 years, when services delivery is at its all-time low, does not hold any guarantees they'll have my vote again - it's a promise.
Life allows everyone to explore the right means and ways of acquiring wealth and wisdom without the temptation to cheat. Even though true wealth takes a little longer to build and realize.
Its immediate benefits come through patience, integrity, hard work, blood sweat, and tears; to be revealed throughout time. And how long it will take fate to reward you. Short-cut doesn't yield good returns in an investment.
Building a legacy to run South Africa and create equal opportunities for all, requires more than just dreaming about the NDP. It must be borne by recognizing the fact that with great power comes great responsibility to obey and follow God's command.
Otherwise, He is capable of replacing you with other better substitutes to do His work; with extreme diligence, confidence, commitment, and clarity of purpose. This is how anyone's power can be eroded and taken away from them if they become complicit in their duty to honor their promises and delivery mandate.
Time Rewards Those Who Take "time" To Wait For The Big Pay Day Like The Oscarsđ°
Legacy building is not a destination, but the means to the end. You only arrive at it like accolades and Oscars or, rather when you pass on and not otherwise. It is something worth working toward and requires patience to reap its fruits. It takes 9 months for a woman to give birth to a baby. And not 48 hours like Political corruption to amass wealth through "Tenderpreneurships".
ANC has wasted and amassed billions of Rand of tax-payer's money in South Africa. They can not claim that they've built a legacy, to influence a good cause. How convenient is that? If you build a house with sand, expect it to disappear when heavy rains and the tide rise.
Image: courtesy of Bluesnap - Lynn Greyling |
So! South Africa is on the verge of collapse. Our democracy was built on the sand when the ANC took over in 1994. Therefore, it is sinking with the party as we speak. Why? Because people who control and manage it; are standing on the shoulders of comrades who have weak feet and have sick moral principles, that have no remedy for any doctor to find a cure.
That's how S.A. will crumble like cookies, in the heat of an oven in The Zondo Commission State Capture Reports kitchen and bakeries.
Patience Is A Virtue
Patience is always a virtue if you trust that one day your hard work will pay off. When you plant good seeds in life, you harvest good fruits. If you plant mealies, you'll harvest mealies and not money on trees. If you plant corruption you'll harvest pain and misery of what your comrades stole from the country, without credible supervision to their actions.
It is always better to let the process of wealth building, through the legacy building grow naturally. Instead, of seeking short-cuts in obtaining quick riches. After all Natureâs menu of ordering and delivering our life and our needs is based on patience and the clock of time. Nature has the most fail-safe means of securing a none forged and temporary- concocted false state of fabricated happiness. I doubt if any of these leaders sleep well at night without taking sleeping pills.
True happiness can not be bought from a supermarket or acquired through illegal means and methods. It is bound to fade on your face if your success was acquired by illegal means and ways. This is just how life operates â It doesnât get any better than this.
ANC has failed to build a legacy, by so doing they've "cut their nose to spite their face". Even a moral emergency surgery will not improve their odds to pull through next time. Driving a community agenda to improve and to develop itself to build a legacy, is not for sissies, rather leaders who can grab the bull by its horns. Assertive, strong, and men with integrity and purpose to deliver God's mandate before we all pass on.
Peace be with you!
Isaac Khonjelwayo
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