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Soweto Cultural Festival 

One of the most exciting dances in any African Culture is the popular Zulu Dance or most commonly known as the "Zulu Warriors - Celebration" dance. It represents the jubilation and victory over a war won  against the enemy. Here it is depicted to show this all embracing unisons of the Zulu choreography during the Soweto Cultural Dance Festival at Mofolo Park in Soweto.

If you want a collection of these videos - 

Call me at +276

Places in Soweto not related to Vilakazi street Orlando West Soweto. A rare collection before 1994.

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Soweto Buzz & Vibes

It is about the people who love life and are able to express their feelings through sport. Ultimately the freedom to be human and happy again. The coverage and battle soccer battle of two top soccer giants at FNB stadium. Oneof the deepest and memorable moments of people in Soweto, before 2010 and how people leave and enjoy their live from 2003, when this footage was taken. 

If you are interest in purchasing Soweto Video footage before 1994 i.e. from 2000 to 2009. You can contact me directly.

Cell: +2764

Empower Women The Book
Access one of our largest Women's digital products where you can discover empowering information that will transform your life. Gift it to make the beloved one's life better. Click HERE

Corruption People Power - Where Are The Guptas?


Soweto In A Nutshell

Soweto In A Nutshell

Vilakazi Street Photos Soweto During COVID-19 #2019