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These podcasts are by Mr. Isaac Khonjelwayo aka Bra Ike; presenting the most challenging of life's typical cosmic question - "When Fate Ties You In To A Knot - What Do You Do?

The Tumahole Township Squatter Camp Unhappy Residents Voices of Discontent.

High Note Radio Podcast is written, produced and directed by Isaac Khonjelwayo the podcast guy from South Africa in Soweto. Think of your life as, a blank encyclopedia. Every day when you wake up you should decide on the outcome of events and how you want the end of the day to finish. Something you can laugh about when you reflect on the day’s events. A bad day however; does not necessarily imply a bad decisions on your part. Where looting in South Is Criminal - Yet Bad Is good If GOOD Over Powers The BAD. S.A. politicians loot differently from ordinary citizens guest who is fooling who?

Art From The Dark Apartheid Past - Ream More Here...



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Soweto In A Nutshell

Soweto In A Nutshell

Vilakazi Street Photos Soweto During COVID-19 #2019