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Musicians, Composers & Songwriters Become Catalysts For World Peace And Ambassadors of Reconciliation

A Plea To Musicians, Composers & Songwriters To Become Catalysts For World Peace And Ambassadors of Reconciliation (Rock-Stars) A tribute & Dedication To Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Kalahari Peace Song Is To Bring Peace Between Israel & Palestine - Archbishop Desmond Tutu would have liked to see this peace come to fruition.

This is how I see it happening: We need new dreamers and leaders in our communities and cities. To spearhead and steer the future of our nations and countries with dignity, good news, and clarity of purpose; become good role models our societies can depend on. 

Musicians and Composers are guardians of our hopes and dreams during troubled times. We need artists to elevate our consciousness from dissolution, misfortunes, miscommunication and despair of humanity’s plight against adversity and intolerance. To become our voice of human rights abuses, and neglect from accountability by politicians and corrupt government leaders.

Promote Goodwill & Peace For Every One To Pursue Their Happiness

  • Our Nations and the World needs brave men and women to take up the baton of Humanity Values to new heights of (Live & Let Live) attitude toward their fellow men. Let us put our feet in the shoes of the victims. 
  • Cultural wars, religious intolerance and political bullying of nation against nation is- unnecessary and a very expensive traumatic experience. 

We must inspire hope and confidence for the next generations of youth, and grand-children to lead better with compassion and consideration with those who disagree with them in opinion or thought processes. 

  • ​​The World needs to rise above petty political battles and squabbles. We must be counted in the global map of humans and societies that build good values and contribute to the human race progress and peaceful coexistence. 
  • To resolve conflicts and reconcile differences of opinions and belief systems that challenge disagreement to find a common ground to co-exist as a human species.  ​

We must have serious musical conversations and international dialogue of artists, producers, and songwriters like yourselves, lead, teach and offer our young guidance and coaching. Our humility and integrity to unify the spirit of the world and the soul of mankind  in the music field to realize our full purpose, is the only alternative to prove that we were all made in the Image of the Creator and non-other. 

Our musical experiences and talents should allow us to thrive as a voice of reason. To promote love & peace; as it was in the 60's until the 80's era, why not repeat the same formula to stop wars.

  • We should identify men and women with strong determination to challenge a bad negative history of our Nations’ political leadership pitfalls; to rise to the occasion when humanity seeks solution.
  • Finding a cure for COVID-19 and other human pandemic challenges should give us the opportunity  to find solutions together instead of fight against each other. 

Support leaders who speak from the heart and mean what they say, if they can lead by example. Men and women who stand by their words with conviction to honor and touch every fiber of our lives; when pain and suffering or tragedy engulfs society. It should be during these hard times that all musicians must come together to ease our battles-; including to try and conquer or address pressing issues of COVD-19, HIV-AIDS and EBOLA pandemic worldwide.

Read more here!

Peace & love to all!

Isaac Khonjelwayo

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  1. very true but. But few people and supporters care about dead artists and the legacy they've built over the years in the entertainment industry.


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